Hello readers, some individuals are probably not aware that they are entitled to tax credit in the UK. Individuals that are not on a high income can claim tax credit in the UK. There are two types of tax credit which are 1. The Child Tax Credit 2. The Working Tax Credit -With the Child Tax Credit, you as an individual must be responsible for the welfare of a child (an individual younger than 16 years) or a qualifying person (an individual that is older than 16 but younger than 20; the individual must be in school). If you cater to one child, you must be earning below £25,000 per annum, if you have two children, to qualify you must be earning below £35,000 per annum and if you have three children you must be earning below £40,000 per annum -With the Working Tax Credit, you must either be at least 16 years, have a disability or have at least one child and must be working for a minimum of 16 hours per week, or be older than 24 years and work for a minimum of 30...
This blog aims at equipping individuals with business and finance tools in simplistic terms. It covers both business finance and personal finance. It also looks at the actions that can help you run a business successfully. It has some juicy flavour in it. It also aims at getting individuals close to Allah (SWT). Insha Allah.Enjoy!