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Showing posts from March, 2020

Business that you could explore: part 2

Hello readers, I will be writing about a business that you could explore.  Part 1  was written you should read it. I hope you gain a thing or two from it. Intoxicants are forbidden by Allah, as such hand sanitizers with intoxicants in them would not be halal. Based on my research, I was informed non-alcoholic hand sanitizers does not kill as much germs as the alcoholic one. That is not a reason to use alcohol based sanitizers, as intoxicants are forbidden in the Quran. Its better to use halal soaps to wash your hands. I was informed that Prophet Muhammad (peace be unto him) used soil to wash is hands after using the toilet. But I have not been able to verify the information. I do know that if you do not have water for ablution you can do tayammum for a long time  until you come across water. That is a neccesity for Salat. The soil might have some properties, can it be explored to see if hand sanitizers can be made from it. However, washing your hands with...

Quran 2:50-52

Asalam alaykum "And recall that We parted the sea for you, so We saved you, and We drowned the people of Pharaoh as you looked on.   And recall that We appointed for Moses forty nights. Then you took to worshiping the calf after him, and you turned wicked.   Then We pardoned you after that, so that you might be grateful." Quran 2:50-52 Ma Salam.

Business that could be explored

Hello readers, I hope you are good. I will be writing about a business that has not been fully explored. I hope you get inspired to start ths business inshaAllah (if Allah wills). Intoxicants and pork has been forbidden by Allah for consumption. Islam is the only religion that can get you into Heaven. The sole purpose for Allah creating us is to worship Him. In other words, this life is test as to who will make Heaven or Hell. This present life is short and life after death is forever. May Allah guide we Muslims, Amin. Most detergent have parfum and glycerin in them.  Parfum may contain intoxicants while glycerin could be made from pork or vegatable or synthentic. The ones made out of pork is not halal. I have only come across a liquid detergent which is halal in Nigeria and it is used in washing machines. The halal status was checked online. It is best to confirm the halal status of the product you are using, to make sure it has no intoxicant or pork in it as t...

Quran 2:47-49

Asalam alaykum "O Children of Israel! Remember My favor which I bestowed upon you, and that I favored you over all nations.And beware of a Day when no soul will avail another in the least, nor will any intercession be accepted on its behalf, nor will any ransom be taken from it, nor will they be helped.   And recall that We delivered you from the people of Pharaoh. They inflicted on you terrible persecution, killing your sons and sparing your women. Therein was a tremendous trial from your Lord." Quran 2:47-49 Ma salam.

Making money from recharge card in Nigeria

Hello readers, I will be writing about recharge card business in Nigeria. I have done a little bit of research for you. I noticed there are some ways to make money from recharge card business. I will be talking about two that I am comfortable with so far. One is to buy a printer, print recharge card numbers and sell. The other is to buy recharge cards in bulk and sell it for profit. While the former is more expensive to set, the latter is cheap to start. From the research I made online, you can start the latter business for as low as 10,000 naira I have also been informed you make the same amount of money from printing the recharge cards and buying the recharge cards in bulk. I will advise you to go for buying the recharge cards in bulk. Some people are unemployed, instead of doing nothing this business can be started. A lot of people have phones so they definately need recharge cards. You probably buy recharge card yourself. This recharge card business could make you ...

Quran 2:44-46

Asalam alaykum And seek help through patience and prayer. But it is difficult, except for the devout. Those who know that they will meet their Lord, and that to Him they will return. O Children of Israel! Remember My favor which I bestowed upon you, and that I favored you over all nations. Quran 2:44-46 Ma salam.

Quran 2:41-43

Asalam alaykum "And do not mix truth with falsehood, and do not conceal the truth while you know.And attend to your prayers, and practice regular charity, and kneel with those who kneel. .  Do you command people to virtuous conduct, and forget yourselves, even though you read the Scripture? Do you not understand?" Quran 2:41-43 Ma salam.

Different types of business models

Hello readers, I will be writing about different types of business models. There are various types of business models but I will be  writing about only three types.  These are advertising, disintermedation and freemium. Advertising This is a situation whereby an individual/ group  creates contents for readers or viewers with the hope of getting advertisers to put advertisement on their page. Make sure the products being advertised on your page are halal. The individual / group has to satisfy both readers and advertisers. Disintermedation There are situations whereby an individual wants to sell something in stores; the individual actually has to go through some middlemen. But with this business model, the middlemen (all the people in the supply chain) are not used, therefore the business deals with the customers directly thereby reducing the business cost and creating a better relationship with the customers. Freemium This is a type of business model where y...

Quran 2:39-41

Asalam alaykum But as for those who disbelieve and reject Our signs—these are the inmates of the Fire—wherein they will remain forever.”   O Children of Israel! Remember My blessings which I bestowed upon you, and fulfill your pledge to Me, and I will fulfill My pledge to you, and fear Me.   And believe in what I revealed, confirming what is with you; and do not be the first to deny it; and do not exchange My revelations for a small price; and be conscious of Me. Ma Salam.

Quran 2:36-38

Asalam alaykum "But Satan caused them to slip from it, and caused them to depart the state they were in. We said, “Go down, some of you enemies of one another. And you will have residence on earth, and enjoyment for a while.Then Adam received words from his Lord, so He relented towards him. He is the Relenting, the Merciful.We said, “Go down from it, all of you. Yet whenever guidance comes to you from Me, then whoever follows My guidance—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve." Quran 2:36-38 Ma salam.

Quran 2:33-35

Asalam alaykum "He said, “O Adam, tell them their names.” And when he told them their names, He said, “Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth, and that I know what you reveal and what you conceal?”And We said to the angels, “Bow down to Adam.” They bowed down, except for Satan. He refused, was arrogant, and was one of the disbelievers.We said, “O Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your spouse, and eat from it freely as you please, but do not approach this tree, lest you become wrongdoers.”Quran 2:33-35 Ma salam.

Quran 2:30-32

Asalam alaykum " When your Lord said to the angels, “I am placing a successor on earth.” They said, “Will You place in it someone who will cause corruption in it and shed blood, while we declare Your praises and sanctify You?” He said, “I know what you do not know. And He taught Adam the names, all of them; then he presented them to the angels, and said, “Tell Me the names of these, if you are sincere. They said, “Glory be to You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. It is you who are the Knowledgeable, the Wise.” Quran 2:30-32 Ma salam.

Quran 2:27-29

Asalam  alaykum "Those who violate God’s covenant after its confirmation, and sever what God has commanded to be joined, and commit evil on earth. These are the losers. How can you deny God, when you were dead and He gave you life, then He will put you to death, then He will bring you to life, then to Him you will be returned? It is He who created for you everything on earth, then turned to the heaven, and made them seven heavens. And He is aware of all things" Quran 2:27-29 Ma salam

Quran 2:24-26

Asalam alaykum "But if you do not—and you will not—then beware the Fire whose fuel is people and stones, prepared for the disbelievers. And give good news to those who believe and do righteous deeds; that they will have gardens beneath which rivers flow. Whenever they are provided with fruit therefrom as sustenance, they will say, “This is what we were provided with before,” and they will be given the like of it. And they will have pure spouses therein, and they will abide therein forever. God does not shy away from making an example of a gnat, or something above it. As for those who believe, they know that it is the Truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, “What did God intend by this example?” He leads astray many thereby, and He guides many thereby; but He misleads thereby only the evildoers." Quran 2:24-26 Ma salam.

Quran 2:21-23

Asalam alaykum "O people! Worship your Lord who created you and those before you, that you may attain piety.He who made the earth a habitat for you, and the sky a structure, and sends water down from the sky, and brings out fruits thereby, as a sustenance for you. Therefore, do not assign rivals to God while you know.And if you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, then produce a chapter like these, and call your witnesses apart from God, if you are truthful." Quran 2:21-23 Ma salam

Quran 2:18-20

"Deaf, dumb, blind. They will not return. Or like a cloudburst from the sky, in which is darkness, and thunder, and lightning. They press their fingers into their ears from thunderbolts, in fear of death. But God surrounds the disbelievers. The lightning almost snatches their sight away. Whenever it illuminates for them, thy walk in it; but when it grows dark over them, they stand still. Had God willed, He could have taken away their hearing and their sight. God is 0capable of everything." Quran 2:18-20

Guides on Corona Virus

Asalam alaykum Muslims, we need to pray to Allah about the Corona Virus. Thank Allah (everytime), send blessing to Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him), ask for forgiveness and then ask Allah to stop the Corona Virus. After that being said, this verse and chapters of the Quran can be read after all obligatory prayers. Always seek forgiveness three times first.  Verse Ayat Kurisuyi Chapters Surah Ikhlas Surah Falak Surah Nas After Fajr and Maghrib prayers (adhkaar should be recited) You should recite Surah Fatiha first and you should also recite the last two verses of Suratul Baqarah. Before sleeping at night, do recite Surah Ikhlas, Falak and Nas. The last two verses of Suratul Baqarah. Attend Jumat services its compulsory. Two or more constitute a congregations.  If death is decreed for you by Allah nothing can change it even if you are at home. However, precautions should still be taken. I would suggest, do your ablution at home and...

Quran 2:15-17

Asalam alaykum "It is God who ridicules them, and leaves them bewildered in their transgression.   Those are they who have bartered error for guidance; but their trade does not profit them, and they are not guided.Their likeness is that of a person who kindled a fire; when it illuminated all around him, God took away their light, and left them in darkness, unable to see."Quran 2:15-17 Ma Salam.

Quran 2:12-14

Asalam alaykum "In fact, they are the troublemakers, but they are not aware.And when it is said to them, “Believe as the people have believed,” they say, “Shall we believe as the fools have believed?” In fact, it is they who are the fools, but they do not know.And when they come across those who believe, they say, “We believe”; but when they are alone with their devils, they say, “We are with you; we were only ridiculing.” Quran 2:12-14 Ma salam

Quran 2:9-11

Asalam alaykum "They seek to deceive God and those who believe, but they deceive none but themselves, though they are not aware. In their hearts is sickness, and God has increased their sickness. They will have a painful punishment because of their denial. And when it is said to them, “Do not make trouble on earth,” they say, “We are only reformers.” Quran 2:9-11 Ma salam.

Quran 2:6-8

Asalam alaykum "As for those who disbelieve—it is the same for them, whether you have warned them, or have not warned them—they do not believe.   God has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing, and over their vision is a veil. They will have a severe torment.Among the people are those who say, “We believe in God and in the Last Day,” but they are not believers." Quran 2:6-8 Ma salam.

Quran 2:3-5

Asalam alaykum "Those who believe in the unseen, and perform the prayers, and give from what We have provided for them.   And those who believe in what was revealed to you, and in what was revealed before you, and are certain of the Hereafter.These are upon guidance from their Lord. These are the successful." Quran 2:3-5 Ma salam.

Quran 2:214

Asalam alaykum "Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, “When (will come) the Help of Allah?” Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near!"  Quran 2:214 Ma salam.

Quran 2:285

Asalam alaykum The Messenger has believes in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], "We make no distinction between any of His messengers." And they say, "We hear and we obey. [We seek] Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the [final] destination." Quran 2:285 Ma salam