Image courtesy of franky242 at |
Hello readers, what do you do before you sleep. Do you watch tv before sleeping you should not do this before sleeping. They could affect the quality of your sleep. As the research I carried out, makes me know an individual requires 6-8 hours of sleep everyday to be emotionally healthy. Allah(SWT) knows best.
So the first action they carry out is not to work at least 1 hour before bed time. You should not associate your bed time with work because that way your mind might find it hard to relax when you want to sleep.
The next action they carry out is to spend time with their family or spouse. They deepen their bond
You should be thankful to Allah everytime. Your job or/and business should be halal. Everything happens according to the will of Allah. Everything should be done deliberately for the sake of Allah. Part of doing something deliberately for the sake of Allah is hoping for a reward from Him (in this life and in the life after death).
Halal means anything lawful Islamically.
Keep checking my blog daily. Cheers!
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