Everyone can lead effectively, you can always learn to lead. To become an effective leader, you have to study one to understand why they are effective at what they do. The key qualities of an effective leader include having a dream, having the ability to motivate others, exuding integrity, having the ability to deal with challenges and making decisions. To be a successful leader you must set realistic high goals, be a positve thinker and must be willing to learn from others.
A leader must be willing to add value, people skills will have to be decoded in order to become a great leader. To be able to motivate people positively you need to have a clear sense of direction. Your followers will become demotivated if you lack clarity. By this, I mean you need to learn to have clear ways of achieving your goals this could lead to making effective decisions that you will stick with. Changing decisions continually could make your team members confused. Thus, demotivating them. You should also let them know the benefits of achieving the goal.
People that achieve success always have long term plans. As a leader, you need at least a 3 to 5 year plan, you must always know where you want to go to. However, it can only happen if Allah (SWT which means Glorious and Exalted He) permits it A leader must be able to express his ideas and plans to his/her team members clearly. The goals and benefits must be clearly defined. An idea or plan that is not described properly will hardly succeed.
A leader must have this mindset "if one person can achieve it, then anyone can achieve it insha Allah (if Allah wills)." As a leader you are not going to achieve all your goals at one try. All effective leaders are flexible, thus if one method is not working try another method. There is this saying, if you try achieving a goal using one method and you do not achieve the goal, you should use another method to try to achieve the goal, as using the same method which failed before will likely fail again. A good leader must also delegate duties appropraitely.
Make sure your business is halal. Everything should be done for the sake of Allah. Part of doing something means hoping for a reward from Him in this life and the Hereafter. Everything happens according to the will of Allah (you have freewill, therefore you are responsible for your actions).
Halal means anything lawful Islamically
Make sure your business is halal. Everything should be done for the sake of Allah. Part of doing something means hoping for a reward from Him in this life and the Hereafter. Everything happens according to the will of Allah (you have freewill, therefore you are responsible for your actions).
Halal means anything lawful Islamically
Thats is all for today. Keep checking out my blog. Cheers!
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