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5 fruits that you should be eating

Hello readers, today I have carried out a research for you on fruits that you should be eating regularly. Fruits are delicious and they also add value to your health. Two portion of fruits is recommended at every meal. Here they are:

This fruit is delicious and it has a high level of antioxidants in it. These antioxidant helps your brain stay active. The high level of polyphenol found in it reduces the risk of having a heart disease. The high pottasium found in it is good for the blood pressure. This fruits prevents acne and the high water level found in it prevents constipation.

This fruit is also delicious and it has got nutrients that help build and maintain strong bones. It also contains pottasium  that helps the blood pressure. It also very good for the brain as it is high in antioxidant. The fiber in this fruit helps reduce the risk of having a heart disease. It also helps your skin look good.

Water Melon
This is another delicious fruit which is good for your general well being. The seeds found in water melon should be eaten as it contains folate which is good for the brain. It also contains iron, phosphorous and pottasium all of which are good minerals. The seeds also help reduce the cholestrol level. The fruit in all prevents constipation and dehydration. It also benefits your skin.

This fruit is also delicious and it can purchased easily. Banana can help you have a good memory. It is also good for your emotional health. Some researchers say it can be used to treat diarrhoea. It is also good for the heart as it contains fibre and pottasium. It is good for your eye health as it contains vitamin A.

This fruit is also one delicious fruit and it can be easily purchased. It contains a high level of antioxidants which is good for the brain. The antioxidant in it also helps prevent heart diseases. It can also help prevent dementia. It also helps to reduce the risk of having a stroke.

That is all for today, thank you for reading this article. Keep checking out my blog regularly. Cheers!


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