Hello readers, how are you? so you want to employ people. Which implies you have to know how much salary you will pay them. You should bear in mind that salaries are forms of investments. Here are the guidelines when trying to fix the salary of your employees
1. You should employ people to add value to your company. As such, an employee should provide benefits such as reduction in costs and increase in profits that exceed his or her salary. In other words an employee should add value that exceeds his or her salary. Thus, the salary you should pay to an employee should be lower than the value they will add to your company. Thus, making you get a return on your investment.
2. The capital that you have available to pay salaries should be considered because you do not want to go bankrupt because of paying staff higher than the funds available. Some companies that pay staff high has been closed.
3. The type of roles the potential employee will be taking on will help you know if you need a highly skilled staff whose salary will be high or an averagely skilled staff whose salary will be average. So make sure you are not employing a highly skilled staff to carry out the job of an averagely skilled staff. Thus, making your salary more cost effective.
4. The salary being paid by companies in the same industry as your company can also be used to determine the salary you pay your staff
5. The minimum wage of the country you reside in should also serve as a determining factor. You do not want to break legal rules which could get you into trouble.
6. Most of all, pray to Allah (SWT) for guidance. May He guide we muslims and potential muslims as well. Amin
Make sure your business is halal. Everything should be done seeking the pleasure of Allah. Part of seeking the pleasure of Allah means hoping for a reward from Him in this life and the Hereafter. Everything happens according to the will of Allah (you have freewill, therefore, you are responsible for your actions).
Halal means anything lawful Islamically.
Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah). May Allah send peace and blessings to Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H). Thank you for reading this article. Like this page on facebook. Keep reading this blog regularly. Cheers!
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