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Quran 3:43-45

Asalam alaykum "O Mary, be devoted to your Lord, and bow down, and kneel with those who kneel.” These are accounts from the Unseen, which We reveal to you. You were not with them when they cast their lots as to which of them would take charge of Mary; nor were you with them as they quarreled.The Angels said, “O Mary, God gives you good news of a Word from Him. His name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, well-esteemed in this world and the next, and one of the nearest." Quran 3:43-45 Ma salam.

Quran 3:40-42

Asalam alaykum "He said, “My Lord, how will I have a son, when old age has overtaken me, and my wife is barren?” He said, “Even so, God does whatever He wills.”  He said, “My Lord, give me a sign.” He said, “Your sign is that you shall not speak to the people for three days, except by gestures. And remember your Lord much, and praise in the evening and the morning.”  The angels said, “O Mary, God has chosen you, and has purified you. He has chosen you over all the women of the world." Quran 3:40-42 Ma salam.

Quran 3:37-39

Asalam alaykum "Her Lord accepted her with a gracious reception, and brought her a beautiful upbringing, and entrusted her to the care of Zechariah. Whenever Zechariah entered upon her in the sanctuary, he found her with provision. He said, “O Mary, where did you get this from?” She said, “It is from God; God provides to whom He wills without reckoning.”   Thereupon Zechariah prayed to his Lord; he said, “My Lord, bestow on me good offspring from Your presence; You are the Hearer of Prayers.”  Then the angels called out to him, as he stood praying in the sanctuary: “God gives you good news of John; confirming a Word from God, and honorable, and moral, and a prophet; one of the upright.” Quran 3:37-39 Ma salam.

Quran 3:34-36

  Asalam alaykum "Offspring one of the other. God is Hearer and Knower.  The wife of Imran said, “My Lord, I have vowed to You what is in my womb, dedicated, so accept from me; You are the Hearer and Knower.”   And when she delivered her, she said, “My Lord, I have delivered a female,” and God was well aware of what she has delivered, “and the male is not like the female, and I have named her Mary, and have commended her and her descendants to Your protection, from satan the outcast.” Quran 3:34-36 Ma salam.

Quran 3:31-33

Asalam alaykum "  Say, “If you love God, then follow me, and God will love you, and will forgive you your sins.” God is Forgiving and Merciful.   Say, “Obey God and the Messenger.” But if they turn away—God does not love the faithless.  God chose Adam, and Noah, and the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran, over all mankind." Quran 3:31-33 Ma salam.

Quran 3:28-30

Asalam alaykum "Believers are not to take disbelievers for friends instead of believers. Whoever does that has nothing to do with God, unless it is to protect your own selves against them. God warns you to beware of Him. To God is the destiny.   Say, “Whether you conceal what is in your hearts, or disclose it, God knows it.” He knows everything in the heavens and the earth. God is Powerful over everything.  On the Day when every soul finds all the good it has done presented. And as for the evil it has done, it will wish there were a great distance between them. God cautions you of Himself. God is Kind towards 8the servants." Quran 3:28-30 Ma salam.

5 qualities to look for in someone before employing them

Hello readers, I hope you are all good. I will be writing about the qualities you should look for when scouting for employees. Human resources is an important aspect of a business as you cannot operate a business without humans. Employing the wrong humans will be detrimental to your business. Here are qualitiess you should look in a person before hiring them: 1. Cultural fit All companies have a culture, according to, culture is the way of life, especiallty the general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time. Thus, an employee's customs and beliefs should be in alignment with the company's customs and beliefs. Employees that fit well in your company culturally are happy when performing their tasks, so they perform well. 2. Integrity Interview questions should be tailored in a way to know if an employee has integrity. Honesty is a good quality, if someone has integrity they would be honest. An employee that has integrity ...

Quran 3:25-27

Asalam alaykum "How about when We gather them for a Day in which there is no doubt, and each soul will be paid in full for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged? Say, “O God, Owner of Sovereignty. You grant sovereignty to whom You will, and You strip sovereignty from whom you will. You honor whom you will, and You humiliate whom you will. In Your hand is all goodness. You are Capable of all things.” “You merge the night into the day, and You merge the day into the night; and you bring the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living; and You provide for whom you will without measure." Quran 3:25-27 Ma salam.

Quran 3:22-24

Asalam alaykum "They are those whose deeds will come to nothing, in this world and in the Hereafter; and they will have no saviors.   Have you not considered those who were given a share of the Scripture, as they were called to the Scripture of God to arbitrate between them; then some of them turned back, and declined?  That is because they said, “The Fire will not touch us except for a limited number of days.” They have been misled in their religion by the lies they fabricated." Quran 3:22-24 Ma salam.

Quran 3:19-21

Asalam alaykum "Religion with God is Islam. Those to whom the Scripture was given differed only after knowledge came to them, out of envy among themselves. Whoever rejects the signs of God—God is quick to take account. If they argue with you, say, “I have surrendered myself to God, and those who follow me.” And say to those who were given the Scripture, and to the unlearned, “Have you surrendered?” If they have surrendered, then they are guided; but if they turn away, then your duty is to convey. God is Seeing of the servants. As for those who defy God’s revelations, and kill the prophets unjustly, and kill those who advocate justice among the people—promise them a painful retribution." Quran 3:19-21 Ma salam .

About Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Asalam alaykum I will be writing about prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was praying in a cave on mount hira when angel Jubril also known as the holy spirit appeared to him. He told prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to recite the words in front of him. Although prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was an illiterate he was able to recite the words by Allah's (SWT) permission. He was first worried about it that he confided in his first wife Khadija who assured him that he was a good person that God (SWT) was not going to disgrace him. Khadija proposed to prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) when he was 25 and she was 40. They were blessed with two sons and four daughters. The prophet of Allah (pbuh) also had a son with another wife he married. He married more women when Khadija died. He was in a monogamous marriage with Khadija till she died.  All his children died young. Prophets face the most challenges. He had no surviving son (his sons died during his lifetime) but his daughter who died after he d...

Quran 3: 16-18

Asalam alaykum "Those who say, “Our Lord, we have believed, so forgive us our sins, and save us from the suffering of the Fire.”  The patient, and the truthful, and the reverent, and the charitable, and the seekers of forgiveness at dawn.  God bears witness that there is no god but He, as do the angels, and those endowed with knowledge—upholding justice. There is no god but He, the Mighty, the Wise." Quran 3:16-18 Ma salam.

The salary structure

Hello readers, how are you? so you want to employ people. Which implies you have to know how much salary you will pay them. You should bear in mind that salaries are forms of investments. Here are the guidelines when trying to fix the salary of your employees 1. You should employ people to add value to your company. As such, an employee should provide benefits such as reduction in costs and increase in profits that exceed his or her salary. In other words an employee should add value that exceeds his or her salary. Thus, the salary you should pay to an employee should be lower than the value they will add to your company. Thus, making you get a return on your investment. 2. The capital that you have available to pay salaries should be considered because you do not want to go bankrupt because of paying staff higher than the funds available. Some companies that pay staff high has been closed. 3.  The type of roles the potential employee will be taking on will help you know if you nee...

Quran 3:13-15

Asalam alaykum "There was a sign for you in the two parties that met. One party fighting in the way of God, and the other was disbelieving. They saw them with their own eyes twice their number. But God supports with His help whomever He wills. In that is a lesson for those with insight. Adorned for the people is the love of desires, such as women, and children, and piles upon piles of gold and silver, and branded horses, and livestock, and fields. These are the conveniences of the worldly life, but with God lies the finest resort. Say, “Shall I inform you of something better than that? For those who are righteous, with their Lord are Gardens beneath which rivers flow, where they will remain forever, and purified spouses, and acceptance from God.” God is Observant of the servants." Quran 3:13-15 Ma salam.

Quran 3:10-12

Asalam alaykum "As for those who disbelieve, neither their wealth nor their children will avail them anything against God. These will be fuel for the Fire.  Like the behavior of Pharaoh’s people and those before them. They rejected Our signs, so God seized them for their sins. God is Strict in retribution.  Say to those who disbelieve, “You will be defeated, and rounded up into Hell—an awful resting-place.” Quran 3:10-12 Ma salam.

How to get a good office space

Hello readers, I hope you are all good. I will be writing about how to get a good office space. So you started your business and it has started growing. You need an office for your clients and your employees. Getting an office would make your business more credible. You will have to know the size of the office you are looking for. The number of employees you have and the amount of the employees you will like to have will determine the size of the office space you should get. The more your employees the bigger the space you should get. The location of the office also matters. It should be close to where your employees reside. Suppliers and customers should be able to locate your office easily as well. Having your office at the city centre is a good one. If the salary that you pay your staff is high then your office should be in a high end area since your staff would most likely live in such area. If the salary is average, then the area you get your office should be averagely priced. The...

Quran 3:7-9

Asalam alaykum "It is He who revealed to you the Book. Some of its verses are definitive; they are the foundation of the Book, and others are unspecific. As for those in whose hearts is deviation, they follow the unspecific part, seeking dissent, and seeking to derive an interpretation. But none knows its interpretation except God and those firmly rooted in knowledge say, “We believe in it; all is from our Lord.” But none recollects except those with understanding. “Our Lord, do not cause our hearts to swerve after You have guided us, and bestow on us mercy from Your presence; You are the Giver.”  “Our Lord, You will gather the people for a Day in which there is no doubt.” God will never break His promise." Quran 3:7-9 Ma salam.

Quran 3: 4-6

Asalam  alaykum "Aforetime, as guidance for mankind; and He sent down the Criterion. Those who have rejected God’s signs will have a severe punishment. God is Mighty, Able to take revenge.   Nothing is hidden from God, on earth or in the heaven.  It is He who forms you in the wombs as He wills. There is no god except He, the Almighty, the Wise." Quran 3:4-6 Ma salam.

Quran 3:1-3

Asalam alaykum "Alif, Lam, Meem.  God, there is no god but He, the Living, the Eternal.  He sent down to you the Book with the Truth, confirming what came before it; and He sent down the Torah and the Gospel." Quran 3:1-3 Ma salam.

Quran 2:284-286

Asalam alaykum "To God belongs everything in the heavens and the earth. Whether you reveal what is within your selves, or conceal it, God will call you to account for it. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. God ivs Able to do all things.  The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, as did the believers. They all have believed in God, and His angels, and His scriptures, and His messengers: “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and we obey. Your forgiveness, our Lord. To you is the destiny.” God does not burden any soul beyond its capacity. To its credit is what it earns, and against it is what it commits. “Our Lord, do not condemn us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord, do not burden us as You have burdened those before us. Our Lord, do not burden us with more than we have strength to bear; and pardon us, and forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our Lord and Master, so help us aga...

Quran 2:281-283

Asalam alaykum "And guard yourselves against a Day when you will be returned to God; then each soul will be rewarded fully for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged. O you who believe! When you incur debt among yourselves for a certain period of time, write it down. And have a scribe write in your presence, in all fairness. And let no scribe refuse to write, as God has taught him. So let him write, and let the debtor dictate. And let him fear God, his Lord, and diminish nothing from it. But if the debtor is mentally deficient, or weak, or unable to dictate, then let his guardian dictate with honesty. And call to witness two men from among you. If two men are not available, then one man and two women whose testimony is acceptable to all—if one of them fails to remember, the other would remind her. Witnesses must not refuse when called upon. And do not think it too trivial to write down, whether small or large, including the time of repayment. That is more equitable with ...

Quran 2:278 - 280

Asalam alaykum "O you who believe! Fear God, and forgo what remains of usury, if you are believers. If you do not, then take notice of a war by God and His Messenger. But if you repent, you may keep your capital, neither wronging, nor being wronged.  But if he is in hardship, then deferment until a time of ease. But to remit it as charity is better for you, if you only knew." Quran 2:278 - 280 Ma salam.

Quran 2:275 - 277

Asalam alaykum "Those who swallow usury will not rise, except as someone driven mad by Satan's touch. That is because they say, “Commerce is like usury.” But God has permitted commerce, and has forbidden usury. Whoever, on receiving advice from his Lord, refrains, may keep his past earnings, and his case rests with God. But whoever resumes—these are the dwellers of the Fire, wherein they will abide forever.God condemns usury, and He blesses charities. God does not love any sinful ingrate. Those who believe, and do good deeds, and pray regularly, and give charity—they will have their reward with their Lord; they will have no fear, nor shall they grieve." Quran 2:275 - 277 Ma salam.

Quran 2:272-274

Asalam alaykum "Their guidance is not your responsibility, but God guides whom He wills. Any charity you give is for your own good. Any charity you give shall be for the sake of God. Any charity you give will be repaid to you in full, and you will not be wronged. It is for the poor; those who are restrained in the way of God, and unable to travel in the land. The unaware would think them rich, due to their dignity. You will recognize them by their features. They do not ask from people insistently. Whatever charity you give, God is aware of it. Those who spend their wealth by night and day, privately and publicly, will receive their reward from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve." Quran 2:272-274 Ma salam.

Quran 2:269-271

Asalam alaykum "He gives wisdom to whomever He wills. Whoever is given wisdom has been given much good. But none pays heed except those with insight.  Whatever charity you give, or a pledge you fulfill, God knows it. The wrongdoers have no helpers.  If you give charity openly, that is good. But if you keep it secret, and give it to the needy in private, that is better for you. It will atone for some of your misdeeds. God is cognizant of what you do." Quran 2:269-271 Ma salam.

Quran 2:266 - 268

Asalam alaykum "Would anyone of you like to have a garden of palms and vines, under which rivers flow—with all kinds of fruit in it for him, and old age has stricken him, and he has weak children—then a tornado with fire batters it, and it burns down? Thus God makes clear the signs for you, so that you may reflect.  O you who believe! Give of the good things you have earned, and from what We have produced for you from the earth. And do not pick the inferior things to give away, when you yourselves would not accept it except with eyes closed. And know that God is Sufficient and Praiseworthy. s atan promises you poverty, and urges you to immorality; but God promises you forgiveness from Himself, and grace. God is Embracing and Knowing." Quran 2:266 - 268 Ma salam.

Quran 2:263-265

Asalam alaykum "Kind words and forgiveness are better than charity followed by insults. God is Rich and Clement. O you who believe! Do not nullify your charitable deeds with reminders and hurtful words, like him who spends his wealth to be seen by the people, and does not believe in God and the Last Day. His likeness is that of a smooth rock covered with soil: a downpour strikes it, and leaves it bare—they gain nothing from their efforts. God does not guide the disbelieving people. And the parable of those who spend their wealth seeking God’s approval, and to strengthen their souls, is that of a garden on a hillside. If heavy rain falls on it, its produce is doubled; and if no heavy rain falls, then dew is enough. God is seeing of everything you do." Quran 2:263-265 Ma salam.

Islamic gyms: yes yes

Hello readers, I will be writing about gyms. Exercise is good for your body and health. Thus, anything that is good for you (doing it for the sake of Allah(Exalted and Glorious is He)) is an act of worship to Allah. The  Messenger of  Allah  (ï·º) said: "A   strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak one, and both are good . Adhere to that which is beneficial for you, keep asking Allah  for help and do not refrain from it." Unfortunately, we have one Islamic gym in Nigeria and that is in Kano, I have not been to Kano (you get my point), I noticed it online so I cannot say much about it. The other gyms in Nigeria are not Islamic. They play unGodly songs and the females are required to wear leggings. I was once told by a gym in Nigeria that I have to wear leggings. As Muslim women we are required to wear clothes that do not cling to our body. We are also required to wear a hijab that covers the bosom. Non- Muslim women are not allowed to see  Mu...

Quran 2:260 -262

Asalam alaykum "And when Abraham said, “My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead.” He said, “Have you not believed?” He said, “Yes, but to put my heart at ease.” He said, “Take four birds, and incline them to yourself, then place a part on each hill, then call to them; and they will come rushing to you. And know that God is Powerful and Wise.”  The parable of those who spend their wealth in God’s way is that of a grain that produces seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. God multiplies for whom He wills. God is Bounteous and Knowing.  Those who spend their wealth in the way of God, and then do not follow up what they spent with reminders of their generosity or with insults, will have their reward with their Lord—they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve." Quran 2:260 -262 Ma salam.

Quran 2:257-259

Asalam alaykum "God is the Lord of those who believe; He brings them out of darkness and into light. As for those who disbelieve, their lords are the evil ones; they bring them out of light and into darkness—these are the inmates of the Fire, in which they will abide forever.  Have you not considered him who argued with Abraham about his Lord, because God had given him sovereignty? Abraham said, “My Lord is He who gives life and causes death.” He said, “I give life and cause death.” Abraham said, “God brings the sun from the East, so bring it from the West,” so the blasphemer was confounded. God does not guide the wrongdoing people.  Or like him who passed by a town collapsed on its foundations. He said, “How can God revive this after its demise?” Thereupon God caused him to die for a hundred years, and then resurrected him. He said, “For how long have you tarried?” He said, “I have tarried for a day, or part of a day.” He said, “No. You have tarried for a hundred years. Now l...

Quran 2:254 - 256

  Asalam alaykum "O you who believe! Spend from what We have given you, before a Day comes in which there is neither trading, nor friendship, nor intercession. The disbelievers are the wrongdoers.  God! There is no god except He, the Living, the Everlasting. Neither slumber overtakes Him, nor sleep. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His permission? He knows what is before them, and what is behind them; and they cannot grasp any of His knowledge, except as He wills. His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation does not burden Him. He is the Most High, the Greatest.  There shall be no compulsion in religion; the right way has become distinct from the wrong way. Whoever renounces evil and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handle; which does not break. God is Hearing and Knowing." Quran 2:254-256 Ma salam.

Quran 2:251 - 253

Asalam alaykum "And they defeated them by God’s leave, and David killed Goliath, and God gave him sovereignty and wisdom, and taught him as He willed. Were it not for God restraining the people, some by means of others, the earth would have gone to ruin. But God is gracious towards mankind.  These are God’s revelations, which We recite to you in truth. You are one of the messengers.  These messengers: We gave some advantage over others. To some of them God spoke directly, and some He raised in rank. We gave Jesus son of Mary the clear miracles, and We strengthened him with the Holy Spirit. Had God willed, those who succeeded them would not have fought one another, after the clear signs had come to them; but they disputed; some of them believed, and some of them disbelieved. Had God willed, they would not have fought one another; but God does whatever He desires." Quran 2:251-253 Ma salam.

Quran 2:248-250

Asalam alaykum "And their prophet said to them, “The proof of his kingship is that the Ark will be restored to you, bringing tranquility from your Lord, and relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron. It will be carried by the angels. In that is a sign for you, if you are believers.”  When Saul set out with the troops, he said, “God will be testing you with a river. Whoever drinks from it does not belong with me. But whoever does not drink from it, does belong with me, except for whoever scoops up a little with his hand.” But they drank from it, except for a few of them. Then, when he crossed it, he and those who believed with him, they said, “We have no strength to face Goliath and his troops today.” But those who knew that they would meet God said, “How many a small group has defeated a large group by God’s will. God is with the steadfast.” And when they confronted Goliath and his troops, they said, “Our Lord, pour down patience on us, and strengthen our foothold...

Quran 2:245-247

  Asalam alaykum "Who is he who will offer God a generous loan, so He will multiply it for him manifold? God receives and amplifies, and to Him you will be returned   Have you not considered the notables of the Children of Israel after Moses? When they said to a prophet of theirs, “Appoint a king for us, and we will fight in the cause of God.” He said, “Is it possible that, if fighting was ordained for you, you would not fight?” They said, “Why would we not fight in the cause of God, when we were driven out of our homes, along with our children?” But when fighting was ordained for them, they turned away, except for a few of them. But God is aware of the wrongdoers.  Their prophet said to them, “God has appointed Saul to be your king.” They said, “How can he have authority over us, when we are more worthy of authority than he, and he was not given plenty of wealth?” He said, “God has chosen him over you, and has increased him in knowledge and stature.” God bestows His sove...

Quran 2:242-244

Asalam alaykum "God thus explains His revelations to you, so that you may understand.  Have you not considered those who fled their homes, by the thousands, fearful of death? God said to them, “Die.” Then He revived them. God is Gracious towards the people, but most people are not appreciative. Fight in the cause of God, and know that God is Hearing and Knowing." Quran 2:242-244 Ma salam.