Therefore you should not go near payday loans. Payday loans make you spend more than your income, since you will have to pay interest. Here are the ways of not living from paycheck to paycheck.
- Live below your income, if you could afford an apartment that its rent is One million naira, you should go for the one whose rent is lower, like the one that its rent is six hundred thouaand naira.
- Make sure you have two sources of income. You could be working for a company and have a business on the side.
-Have a monthly budget, make sure all your expenses as well as the sadaqa and zakat (if you qualifty to pay zakat) are included in the budget as well as all your income. The expenses should also include your cost of leisure (taking out time for leisure will contribute to your general wellbeing). Try and cut your expenses, for example cut your electricity fee by reducing the amount of electricity you consume.
- Always save 30% of your income in an halal bank account. I think you must have heard of this principle, save first and spend after. In other words, you take out the money you want to save first before spending. Make sure you save money enough to cover your expenses for one year.
- Do not take conventional car loans or conventional mortgages because you know interest is not good. You will end up eating into your future by that I mean you could end up keep paying for your mortgage when you have retired. Receiving or paying interest will end up causing you problems in this life and the hereafter if you do not stop.
- Always cut your clothes according to your size. Do not live above your means. Spend on what your income can afford. Allah hates spendthrifts.When your salary increases or business starts bringing you more income your size has increased, then you can spend more but efficiently as well.
- Save some money for unexpected challenges so you will be able to deal with them adequately when it occurs.
Make sure your business and/or your job is halal. Everything should be done seeking the pleasure of Allah. Part of seeking the pleasure means hoping for a reward from Him in this life and the Hereafter. Everything happens according to the will of Allah (you have freewill, therefore, you are responsible for your actions).
Halal means anything lawful Islamically.
Alhamdulillah (Praise be to Allah). May Allah send peace and blessings to Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H). Thank you for reading this article. Like this page on facebook. Keep reading this blog regularly. Cheers!
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