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5 daily routines to adhere to

You should pray 5 times daily (obligatory) to Allah. The non-obligatory prayers are also good. Adhkar should be read every morning and night.


This is good for your body and overall well being. 20 minutes of daily brisk walk is enough. It keeps you active.

Eating Fruits

Taking two portions of fruits at every meal will also keep you active if you can afford it. It is also good for your overall well being.


Taking two glass cups of water at every meal will also help you stay active so you can deal with those business transactions.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. As such, you should find time to always relax. You should not deprieve yourself of sleep as well, if you do you might not be able to deal with those business transactions when they occur.

Everything should be done for the sake of Allah. Part of doing something for the sake of Allah means hoping for a reward from Him in this life and the Hereafter. Everything happen according to the will of Allah (you have freewill, therefore, you are responsible for your actions).

Keep checking my blog regularly. Cheers!


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