For individuals with a permanent disability that does not incapacitate you, sooner or latter you will get used to it. You could also go for counselling to help you deal with it adequately. Afterwards start to go after your daily life as you used to, keep working if you are employed and if you are running your own business keep doing that. That could support you emotionally and mentally insha Allah (if Allah wills). Self respect will also influence the way you treat others and the way others will treat you.
Start making financial plans for the future, save money (halal account) for the future, like 30% of your income monthly. You should also invest in other markets like gold, stock (halal). In other word, invest your money wisely and diversify your investments. For individuals that are incapacitated, some financial benefits are available to them through their government and charity organisations. You could take them as long as they are halal.
Everything should be done for the sake of Allah. Part of doing something for the sake of Allah means hoping for a reward from Him in this life and the Hereafter. Everything happens according to the will of Allah (you have freewill, therefore, you are responsible for your actions).
Halal means anything lawful Islamically.
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